
I have become comfortably numb

Oh, how I wish that were true.

I possibly have the most obnoxious friends in the history of existence. Since I g to a different school every other day, it means I have twice (Yes, TWO TIMES AS MANY) friends to deal with.

However, this entry will only concern the flaming stupidity of the Academy kids. Sweet Hitler's handbag are they annoying.

So, two of my closest friends from there Holly and Ebony are in a fight which they think is perfectly valid, though having no solid evidence to even be mad at each other. A few months ago, Holly starting dating this guy named Andrew (bitch stole my boyfriend's name!) and has been a bit.........over-confident since.

This annoys Ebony way too much, and she's taken it out on Holly by being especially bitchy and whiny. Holly has retaliated by even MORE bitchy and whiny. And your fearless leader Molly has been dragged (kicking and screaming) into this not-even-really-a-fight.

Can anyone see the point of this? Anyone? That's what I thought! MY GOD. If they're not making snide comments on each other's appearance/ personal hygiene/ ability to handle hydrochloric acid (seriously. We use it.) they're completely ignoring each other, saying, "Molly, tell Ebony that I think her lunch looks like roadkill".

Bitch, you BEST be trippin'! Christ, I'm not they're freaking interpreter! Holy hellfire I'm THROUGH with this!

I got in a big shouting match with Ebony after Holly got on her bus because Ebony thinks that I'm taking Holly's side, which I'm NOT. Personally, I think they're both being imbeciles, but how would I know? Because, according to Ebony, I don't know ANYTHING about ANY SORT OF DRAMA, while she has been dealing with such problems of this caliber since eighth grade! Well hot damn!, I should just bow down to the all-knowing goddess of boy-drama, her almight Ebony!

Well, let's see what my humble little drama resume has on it:

  • My best friend dated a guy who told everyone two days in the relationship that she had given him a blow job, she forgave him; he cheated on her, she forgave him; he emotionally abused her, she forgave him. In addition to this, she was calling/texting me constantly, asking for my advice, and when I told her to dump him, she started crying and telling me that I was killing her and that she LOVED him. This cycle continued for FOUR months. I nearly failed out of school coming to her rescue every time he broke her heart. The relationship ended on a low note, but I won't tell you why.
  • My other friend was constantly being abused emotionally by her parents and came to me crying.
  • Oh, and just yesterday, my best guy friend got out of the hospital for trying to commit suicide, because I obviously couldn't help him enough.

So, don't tell ME I don't know what I'm talking about. I was furious at her. I almost kicked her in the shins.

...Now I'm all worked up. I need to go punt something small and weaker than me.


Strawberry said...


Me too.

...LSD? I know that's some kind of drug...

I was thinking close your eyes and block out the noise coming from various persons of dislike.
...That made no sense, did it?

Haha, I like that song. I would say 'love', but according to Kim every song I listen to is either 'the best/greatest song ever' or 'OMGOMGOMG LISTEN TO THIS SONG RIGHT NOW, WOMAN!!!!'.

It's not my fault. There are just so many awesome songs out there.

I knew that :D

Read my latest entry. Seriously. That'll answer your question.

So, basically... said...

Well gee Molly, I think you're the one being ridiculous; their fighting over nothing is totally reasonable and it makes a lot of sense they'd blame you and your lack of drama knowledge.
Honestly, some people...
I don't want to hang out with these people in science class. My ability to handle hydrochloric acid is WAY inferior. Seriously, my seventh grade science fair project included lots and lots of hydrochloric acid and BOY did that not turn out well.
Wow, so I thought EXACTLY what you thought about the Ronald McDonald thing. I thought she'd punched him in some bout of fast food defiance and that was his bloodied face smashed against the wall. On second glance though, I saw the dropped McDonald's trash on the floor, and that enlightened me. You're right about the vomit.
(Yay, vomit)

Much love,

Strawberry said...

It doesn't matter anyway. The girlfriend of another guy I used to like told him too! Now that I've said no, he wants nothing to do with me again! WHY WON'T HE BE UPSET THAT HE GOT REJECTED BY A GIRL WHO'S LIKED HIM FOR OVER A YEAR??????

Sorry. *breathes in, breathes out*


Life does indeed suck, but I finished all my homework before five. Ahaha.

This comment is horribly unfunny, forgive me!

Strawberry said...

*told him to