
"Reincarnation is my only hope"

The longer I kept the picture of myself up there, the less I liked it. I didn't really like it that much to begin with, but that was the only one of me that I can find that doesn't make me look like an unfortunate case of inbreeding.

I haven't been online in about forever and a day, so that's why I haven't responded to any comments that I have received, even though I'm sure there are THOUSANDS of them to get to. Yeah, uh-huh.

Because I am the one supreme master of Youtube, I managed to watch almost all of Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street online. I must say, I was quite let down, because I have had multitudes of Tim Burton fans tell me how utterly spectacular this movie was. I realized later that Tim Burton could film the capture and gutting of a kitten and call it a movie, but as long as he showed Helena Bonham Carter and/or Johnny Depp partaking in this act, Tim Burton fans would hail it as the greatest film of all time.

Anyways, my computer wouldn't load one of the scenes, so I went from that stupid ass hammerhead shark boy Anthony saving that blonde alien from the asylum to Alan Rickman lying dead on the floor (!!!) and Johnny Depp leaning over his newly-dead (?) wife. If someone could explain to me what I missed, I would be very grateful.

I pulled an all-nighter on Thursday night, so I was dead Friday. Not that anyone really noticed, because I'm usually grumpy and resemble death warmed over at school. I had an English research paper and a science research paper due the next day, and I didn't start any of them until about 11 that night. The English paper took my until three in the morning (with an hour and a half break to watch Sweeny Todd).

At three, I decided to take another break, and was searching Youtube for more videos for me to enjoy. My friend Holly (who's in my science class) was staying up all night on her paper, so I texted her the whole night. When I decided that I needed a break at three, I texted her and said "Holly, tell me not to watch all of Sense and Sensibility online tonight, because if I do, I will have to go on an all-out Alan Rickman binge". She didn't text me back because she fell asleep (weakling!) so I was forced to spend and hour going on an all-out Alan Rickman binge because no one told me not to. God how I love that man.

Andrew asked me to hang out with him last night, so of course I was at his house in about three and half seconds (I would have been there in three, but some old woman DARED get in the way of my car). We actually hung out at his sister's house which is about three doors down from his. His sister and her husband are SO FREAKIN' FUNNY, and Andrew is even funnier when he's with them. We watched "True Lies" on TV and then "The Uninvited" on DVD, which we made fun of mercilessly.

When we were watching True Lies, we saw a commercial for a realty agency, and it said "Let our agents talk to you". I misheard and thought they said "Let our Asians talk to you" which made me laugh like the horrible racist I am. I told Andrew and he said "Please buy our houses...if you don't, they take our shoes away". That caused my soda to make a second appearance out through my nose.

He asked me to go for a walk with him today, but my parents were being completely sadistic and made me clean my room and do homework instead. I'm sure that if I HAD gone out with him, he would have held my hand and asked me out officially. *fury*

When I was on the bus to AOS one day, my friend Jonathan told me that ever since Andrew found out that I liked him, his artwork has gotten a lot better. "Maybe you're his muse!" said Jonathan. "I hope you weren't the muse for that giant spider he was drawing in Spanish class" said Quinci, always the beacon of support.

Philip drew a giant Dark Mark on my arm and his, but he made it adorable, so now the skull looks like a friendly Hello Kitty skull and the snake coming out of the mouth is quite the cutie. We touched pencils to each other's mark and made our arms wriggle like they do in the movie. My math teacher looked at us for a second, then sighed. She doesn't understand.

Nicholas Angel: All right, what about this guy? Ask yourself, why has he got his hat pulled down like that?
Danny Butterman: He's fuck-ugly.
Nicholas Angel: Or, he doesn't want you to see his face.
Danny Butterman: 'Cause he's fuck-ugly.

~ From "Hot Fuzz" (my new favorite movie)


Strawberry said...

My God, you have made me eternally happy. Whenever I'm feeling down, I'll remember this comment and be happy again. THANK YOU. I am not worthy of such praise.

Haha, that's happened to me before.

No, actually, it was directed at Kim. *glares in Kim's general direction*

I just wish I knew who my friends were *sighs* Kim's just being...really...conceited. And condescending. I never would've guessed I'd choose Nat over her, but I'm so sick of her...she doesn't even trust me! Agh!

I think Kim's gone a know. Loopy. <-- Read her latest entry. My God. She claims she's going to 'hurt' me, but I have yet to know how.
I try to help out my friends, but somehow I end up saying something that ruins it all...ugh. I'd rather be Nat's friend than Kim's...did I mention that?

Thank you. But it's mostly my fault I don't get that :)

Eek, sordid talk of Basil. Can I tell you something? That you CANNOT tell anyone else (not that you'd ever get the chance to...)? He wasn't in school today, and I felt so weird, like half the reason I was going to classes was gone. Geez, half of my day is waiting to see him! Agh! Hopeless is right.

Thank you. Again. :)

So, basically... said...

Dear Molly:

Your lack of commenting me back promptly has given me reason to expel you from life. Please clean out your locker immediately.

Anyway. I haven't been having a good writing year, if you haven't noticed (the scanner entry was aesthetically... interesting... but the writing was blah, as have all my entries been in this blog.)

But wait! There's an upside! I think I've come out of that dark spot, at least for the past few days. The entry I just wrote is semi-not-that-terrible, which is pretty crazy. I'm quite happy with myself.

Your last entry's picture was ridiculously gorgeous. Just putting that out there. It hovered at the top of your page as a sort of cautionary banner... "WARNING: the girl whose blog you will shortly be reading is really pretty! When you read how hilarious and awesome she is in addition to that prettiness, you WILL become jealous. This may result in death."

You need to get online more. The blogosphere is lonely without you.

OKAY WOW. This entry is the story of my life. Your story about pulling an all-nighter because you had two papers due that you started at 11 and took breaks from to watch YouTube videos/movies was so impossibly reminiscent of six or seven nights I've had this year that I almost flipped out and died right on the spot after reading about it. I literally do that, ALL the time. I'll just be like, "Hm. I've got a huge project due tomorrow. I could start that... or I could watch My Cousin Vinny on Bravo for the seventh time."

Anyway, the blonde dude actually isn't Mike, surprisingly enough. That's Dave, the lead singer of My Favorite Highway. :) Mike actually looks... pretty much as much the opposite of Dave as possible. 'Cause Dave's really pale with blonde hair, and Mike's black with black hair. And Dave's sorta short, and Mike's pretty tall. And Dave wears tight jeans and V-neck tee shirts... and to imagine Mike in that makes me chuckle. x]

DUDE! If your brother goes to TJ, make him fill out his Big Sib/Little Sib form as saying "loves volleyball, went to Catholic school, enjoys humanities, interested in journalism," even if he's not. So then I can be his Big Sib :D which would be awesome. (If that made no sense to you... at TJ the incoming freshmen fill out this form thing before the school year starts and they match them up with upperclassmen with similar interests to be their "Big Sib"). Most people go to movies and stuff with their little sibs. You could come too and it would be great fun. Great fun, I say!

Much Love,

So, basically... said...

In other news, I think the comment I just left you is longer than me blog entries xP

Lizzie said...

Hello, and no, why would you think that?! I'm pathetic at getting back to comment as well. I apologize.

Ha, thanks. I took the picture [yes, it is of myself] and then loaded it into paint, resized it, and then put it into photoshop. There I use the brush tool to write what appears to be the "font" but is actually my handwriting. There, now you know. :]

P.S. Why, thank you. The one I have currently or another I did have?