
"Maggots, Michael. You're eating maggots. How do they taste?"

I apologize for my last entry that was made of fail. I will try not to drown this one in waves upon waves of self pity.

I know that I commented some of you and told you that Andrew is my boyfriend. He is.......

....he just doesn't know it yet.

Alright, so he said that he doesn't want people to be putting a label on "this special thing that we have". Whatever the hell that means.

Anyways, he came over on Saturday, and we watched movies and giggled like a bunch of sixth grade girls at a sleepover. He stayed for dinner and I'm surprised that he didn't go running for the hills when he actually sat down with my family. He had to meet my aunt, who I absolutely LOATHE with every fiber of my being.

No one told me that she was coming over on the day that Andrew was coming!

*the doorbell rings*
"I'll get it!" I shout, as I bound down the stairs, hoping it's my book that I ordered.
*opens the door*

That was pretty much how I was informed of her visit.

She has these two little ratdogs that my hamsters could take in a fight and she carries them everywhere with her, occasionally stopping to tongue kiss them and tell them how special they are. Also, she has achieved the elusive status of being wider than she is tall. It's actually quite impressive.

My spring break was pretty uneventful. No meteors hit my house, no convicted felons tried to take me hostage, no animals escaped from the zoo and mauled my arm... pretty much a boring break.

Then I got back to school and realized that I would much rather take boring than the stupidity at my school. There's this girl Bailey who thinks that we have this deep psychological connection because we both have red hair and own the exact same necklace that our mom gave to us from the 70's. Every health class she asks me to come smoke dope with her, so we can "totally connect on a whole new'll be awesome, sister". I politely declined and told her that I was busy that day shoving rusty tweezers into my eye.

Speaking of health class, I hate it. Every day, this is what happens.

Stupid person next to me: Hey, Molly! Give me the answers, now.
Me: No. Do it yourself.
SPNTM: You're a bitch!
Me: Well, you're an idiot!

So that's fun. Plus, my teacher lectures us on the evil of caffeine and how drinking it will DESTROY OUR BODIES. It's only because he's a Mormon and he's bitter at the world because he's not allowed to drink caffeine. Or maybe it's just that he's an asshole. I don't know.

I have to go to an AOS orientation thing today for the 8th graders who got into the school, and I get to be a guide for the little peons. Can you believe that my math teacher had the audacity to tell me to behave myself?

I get such a power rush wielding my superior knowledge of the inner-workings of the Academy over the underlings. I could become addicted to it.

My new favorite word: Vapid.


So, basically... said...

Dammit Molly now I have to change my mainstream profile picture. GEEZ. You could have just left me in the dark about it, but noo....

Yeah, the multiple names thing is irritating. I think we should just get the people who so rudely took our totally originally named boyfriends' names and tell them to change their names to something less confusing. Then all shall be well.

Anyway, TJ had their freshman orientation thing yesterday too, crazily enough. It was sort of a curriculum/sports/clubs fair though, so instead of tour-guiding I just hung out with Mike and we tried to convince new freshmen to play football/play volleyball/take journalism. It was... highly successful.

So Andrew? Yeah he pretty much sounds awesome. The whole dinner thing is... brave. Very, very brave.

Ugh. It's 1:28 and I have all this math homework to do, but I got home at 11:30 tonight and I just haven't brought myself to do it yet. I'm a horrible, horrible procrastinator.

Much Love,

Anonymous said...

I'm such a nerd/dork/freak or whatever. When I was reading you're description of your obviously very beloved aunt, Harry Potter's Aunt Marge came into my head. I thought it was brilliant! Of course that could just be my true, oddish looking colors shining through again.

I'm the chica with a white shirt and really crappy hair. Seriously. Ah, but I just realized that that probably doesn't really help.... I'm the chick beside the chick with the yellow sun glasses. Blue eyes, baby.

Ugh, the not paying much SUCKS. ha, though I probably can't really talk...I currently have no job to speak of....

I command your Andrew for the whole dinner affair. I'm TERRIFIED to bring a guy home for dinner. The whole idea of my family sitting around a table with me present is scary enough.

Wow, I don't even remember spring break. It was a while ago. It was pretty good. I actually got those gross wisdom teeth out that week, so it was pretty lame. Lots of pills and movies, though I guess I can't really complain about that.

Bleh, I'mma gonna have to take Heath next year. *screams in terror*
