
"I don't want realism. I want magic!"

Things are not boding well in the house of Molly.

Yes, summer is finally here, but with that comes with the never ending playing of "School's Out" by Alice Cooper on the radio, which as much as I tolerate Alice Cooper, becomes a bit grating after awhile.

In addition to this disgusting heat that The Devil brings with him in the summer time, there has also been a bitchload of humidity. I bet you didn't even know that humidity was measured in bitchloads. There, you've learned enough for the summer.

My dearest and darlingest friend Shayna has forayed into the world of men, and by that I mean she slept with her boyfriend of 3 and 1/2 weeks. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my best friend. Let's give her a round of applause.

Anyways, on the opposite end of the Guy Spectrum, my friend Ebony has been complaining about how she doesn't have a boyfriend. Our conversation last night:
Ebony: What is with all of the jerks in our schools??? Why are all the good-looking ones such bastards???

Me: What about the ones that aren't good looking?

Ebony: What do you mean?

Me: I mean, why do you only flirt with the cute guys? Why don't you give the other ones a chance? They're usually the nicest.

Ebony: *slowly* ...because they're ugly.

Me: Okay, listen to me very carefully. Let's say that there was this SUPER nice guy who really liked you, and he was ridiculously smart, very funny, and a great kisser...would you date him?

Ebony: Is he good looking?

Me: No.

Ebony: Then no.

Me: *strangles her through phone* need to give non-cute guys a chance. The attractive ones are assholes. Just talk to some ugly guys and get to know them. You'll have a boyfriend soon enough.

*Ebony's head explodes at my logic*

That's LITERALLY how it went down.

Wow, I just took a three day break from that last sentence to this one.

There is a perfectly good reason for that, too. I was grounded. Impounded against my will, if you please. And it's not even like...a cool reason why I was grounded, not like I snuck out and partied with college kids, or stole a car or held up an ice cream stand or anything like that. I was late for my curfew by TEN minutes. Sheesh.

If you must know, I was with Andrew at his sister's house, and we were just cuddling and arguing over which Dumbledore is better, the one from the first two movies or the new one (NOTE: THE NEW ONE) and I lost track of time and got in trouble for it.

I haven't really talked to any of my friends except for Andrew since summer started. Let's see if I can keep it up.

Holy hell, did you hear that Michael Jackson just died? I will go listen to Billie Jean in his honor.


Strawberry said...

You did! Oh joy, you did!
I should probably go back and respond to all the comments I couldn't before, and yet, I won't. I'll just respond to the most recent one!

Thank you :) I like it too, actually. I'm not really sure where to go with it, though. I have the basic plotline down. Aww, I'm sure you can write much better. You should post more of that story you mentioned forever ago!

YOU'RE 5'8? Wowza. No offense or anything...I'm 5'2, and I'm considered tall by most of the people I know. Thank you again :)I love being complimented ;D

Numerous smileys. LOL!

I eat lots of yucky stuff (like butter...mmm.) and I never exercise. All things considered, I'm pretty skinny. I guess (lol. again!)

Aww thank you again! :D

Oh...Tyler. Ugh. Urm, he didn't text me for a week, so Nat convinced me to break up with him, and I did, and shortly after that some other girl asked him out so he said's actually rather suckish. He, Nat, and Ani all had this big texting

At one point, Nat wanted me to make a nickname for him, and she suggested Ty-ty or Ty-ry. Ugh. No.

Aughalm! It's too good to be true!

Strawberry said...

Yay! I have succeeded!
You should listen to them all.

I have all of those songs on my iPod...except It's Late and Hammer to Fall. Oh well. I'll listen to them! Oh, by the way, do you like Stone Cold Crazy?

Aw, it's okay. It's not like he was my soul mate or anything. But thanks.

Holy crap! You're very tall. I think you're the same height as Basil.
Melikes tall boys ;)
Aw, darn! I almost went the entire entry without using a smiley face!

Haha. I have a butt too! lolz.

Ugh, I hate it when that happens. But all my files painstakingly organized! I'm, like, a master at computer organization.

As you can see, I'm happy.

Yours too! I hope Andrew starts making out with you randomly!

By the way, BILLY MAYS DIED!!!! WTF?????

So, basically... said...

Oh Molly. You make me laugh a lot. Laugh out loud. Literally. I wish I could be as funny as you. Ay me...
Anyway. I just posted the most gigantic entry I have ever posted time thirty! Hooray! (Except not. It's actually ridiculously long, no joke. Way too long.)
I did hear that Michael Jackson died! I made a black lei on the cruise I was on in his honor. You know who else died? Billy Mays. This sucks. Now who's going to yell at me to buy household cleaning products??
Anyway, I would love it if you would read my massively long entry. You might have to split it up over a long period, like a week or something, because it's so long, but I feel like you'd give good advice, so yeah...
Blah. Bleagha. I'm feeling so strange right now. It sucks.
Go to bed!


So, basically... said...

I have missed you lots! And blogging. And such.
Yes. The guy at the top is Dylan :)
Haha all three Jackie's I know... I hate. Unfortunate really, but what can I say?
And yes. Exactly. You hit the nail on the head. Mike = no. Idea of mike = yes. Fail.
/I cannot believe that you read that whole novel.
