
Don't look so frightened this is just a passing phase, one of my bad days

It's biblical how fucked up my sleep can be.

I have no idea where that's from, but I saw it on an icon, and because I can't think of anything that true on my own, I stole it and am now using it for my own fucked-up sleep purposes.

Seriously folks, I woke up crying. Not only did I have one freaky-ass dream, I had THREE of them. THREE.

Dream One: I'm on a boat with my brother, and a freak storm knocks the boat over, throwing us into the ocean. I cling onto a piece of wood next to my brother, and wait for survivors/rescuers/sharks to start gnawing on our legs. I fall asleep in the water, and I wake up on a boat, my brother no where in sight. I ask the people who save me where he is; they tell me that I was the only one in the water when they sailed up. (That was an excellent use of a semicolon, by the way)

This dream transitions right into the next terror inducing one:

Dream Two: I'm leading Elton John (and why the hell wouldn't he be in my house? We're on a first-name basis, me and Elton) up to my room to show him how kick-ass it is. (READER'S NOTE: My walls are each a different color, and all my hubcaps are hung up. I have a HUGE Pink Floyd poster up on one of the walls, and the rest of them are covered with pictures, posters, notes and comic strips.) I get to my room, and my mom is there, ripping everything down and painting the walls white. My therapist told me that this means I'm afraid of conformity. Why can't I be afraid of normal things, like clowns or Canadians?

This dream ends with me crying in front of Elton John and goes right into me standing in a courtyard at my school.

Dream Three (The totally fucked up one): I'm walking to meet Andrew, and I see him across the courtyard. He waves half-heartedly and kind of smiles in that way that you smile at people you don't like. Confused, I walk over over to him to ask him what's wrong. Then I see that he has his arms wrapped around Shayna (my best friend, for those of you who are new to this blog) I ask him (shout at him) what the hell he's doing. Shayna turns to me and sneers, "I told you I could get any guy in the school. Even the one who supposedly "likes" you. He's been mine from the beginning".

Being the reasonable and calm person that I am, I punch her in the face. Then I curb-stomp him (this is from too much time playing video-games) and shout every single time that Shayna has treated me like dirt. A crowd gathers. Andrew stands up behind me and I whirl around and punch him in the face. I storm away, crying, and I finally wake up.

WTF. What is wrong with me???

Anyways, I hope you all noticed my lovely new layout. It took me damn well three hours to get it all sorted out, so I'm expecting lots of marvelous and wonderful comments singing glorious praise for it.

I was going to continue this entry with a gushing fountain of affection for Andrew, but I'm a bit tired. So maybe tomorrow. Oh, and I'll also post my story that I've been writing up.

"You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else."

~Brad Pitt in "Fight Club"


Strawberry said...

Wow. I didn't sleep at all last night. I didn't want to dream. I was literally awake the entire night. Oddly, I don't feel tired...


Thanks! Haha, I wish, but even if they read it, they think they're pretty superior theirself. I don't think they will, though, considering e're no longer speaking. You see, I imed Kim asking to talk, and she responded rather rudely, so I responded, then she responding, and in my last response I pretty much owned her. She aint coming back.
My infinite smugness over the incident has caused me to employ the use of the word(?) 'aint'. Forgive me.

Pssht, you say you don't know what to blog about, but you still manage to fill an entire entry with your three dreams! My entries all suck. Mostly because I have no life and do nothing in the summer, but that's no excuse.
I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING TO WRITE AND EVEN WHEN I DO WRITE SOMETHING IT ALL SUCKS. I HAVE TO THINK ABOUT WHAT I'M WRITING. Sigh. I said it. Major case of Writer's Block. Maybe it's because I have too many stories. I'll go through them later. Haha, I have about a gajillion random scenes with no plot or purpose that I don't want to delete because I like how I wrote them.


Lizzie said...

I don't know if this will somehow spoil it's cleverness, but the first sentence, "it's biblical how fucked my sleep can be," is from the song "Miss Delaney" by Jack's Mannequin.

Just sayin'.

Whoa, creepy dreams. :o

Sorry I don't have a very good comment. It is only 10 something in the morning and I didn't get much sleep thanks to thin walls and my dad snoring.

Anonymous said...

Love love love that movie. It equals wonders.

I haven't slept like at all this week. I had a nightmare last week and I'm kinda scared to sleep. I totally like three years old right now. So I stay up watching Friends and That 70's show until four.

Wow, I haven't been here in a while. I would beg your forgiveness but I'm too comfy in my chair....please please please forgive me??? I'll do anything! I promise! I'll be your slave for a week. Not in a creepy lesbo way, in a go pick up the dog shit kind of way.

Okay, so I broke. Whatever. Ha, I'm bored. And ranting. And have no life. Wow, that definitely sounds ridiculously pathetic.


So, basically... said...

Those dreams sound terrible D:
My sister screams, laughs, and cries in her sleep. It's terrible.
Anyway, I deleted my last two entries because they were too personal. I didn't want them on the internet.
Get a Facebook or a MySpace woman!
I need to go. Sorry this comment is such a fail :P

Much much love,

Lizzie said...

Thanks, I appreciate that.

Haha, saying just that is fine, really. I might think your a total nut, but no worries, I've read your blog before, even back on AOL and thought you were cool.

It's all good.

I don't like being told to things either. I'd much rather do it of my own will.

Anonymous said...

Aww, you're too kind. I do rather like the background though. The writing hasn't been that great lately, but that could be due to my lack of life.

And don't worry about the comment thing. I'm sure you can pay me back somehow. I'm open to anything:)

The first time I heard about Fight Club was a few years ago from my old youth leader haha. He use to have us recite the first two rules of it, and then he said that we shouldn't know what it is until we're 18...which didn't really work out. And I must admit, Norton does have something going for him.

Video games? Did you ever know...that you're my heeeeroo?? Just kidding, though I do admire your dedication. And addiction.

That's definately my phone and me.

Strawberry said...

I would just like to point out that you haven't blogged in a month and nine days.
You ought to be ashamed of yourself! >:(

I'm bored, though, so I'm commenting anyway. Hurrah!

So...I hope you haven't died. That would be unfortunate.

EWHMAGAAAAWD! I KNOW WHY YOU HAVEN'T BLOGGED! Cuz Andrew kissed you, right? RIGHT? I know that's not a valid excuse for not blogging, especially since if that DID happen, I'd expect you to come running to the computer--

I just had the most delicious cupcake in the history of the world.

Ali said...

Epic blog, i must say. Fucked up dreams, i must also say. But really cool layout. And obsessions. Especially The Beatles. :)

Strawberry said...

Yay! Haha, a week? :( Fine. I'll be patient. I have waited 3 MONTHS for you to show your face here again *steams over how people neglect their blogs*

Hoorah for you!
I can't wait to see what's happened in the THREE MONTHS you've left us all in the dark....X(

Geez. My mom takes like a gazillion pills and it doesn't help......but that's on a side note. Yeah, I just have an obsession with people saying I AM something (why, oh why, can't we italicize [spelled wrong] in these things??). Just like I have an obsession with Basil....*sighs*

Heh. I always end up turning the conversation to him somehow :)

Twrypers! It's like a mix of typer and twirp (or however the heck you spell it). Twirpy typers!