
"Dammit, I'm eating pretzels!"

My eye won't stop twitching.

Thought that would be a good way to get the ball rolling, since I haven't been on here in forever.

Now that I've successfully broken the ice, you might wonder: what is up with me? Probably not, but I'll tell you anyways. I swore I wouldn't blog until Andrew kissed me, so I'd have something to talk about, but since that seems unlikely in the near future, I broke down and ran to my computer.

Me and Andrew hang out almost every weekend now, in case you wanted to know. Even if you didn't, you just did because you already read it. Hah. Anyways, we hold hands and cuddle, but nothing more than that, much to my hormones' dismay. We're working on a history project now, but whenever he comes over to my house to work on it, we end up watching "The Great Mouse Detective" and cuddling.

I would be angrier about not getting anything done if he wasn't so damn cute.

Shayna has successfully broken another boy's heart (Michael) and gotten a new boy toy that goes by the name of Trevor. To appreciate how fast she works, she broke up with Michael on a Friday, and had Trevor wrapped around her finger by Tuesday morning. My best friend, ladies and gentlemen.

Unfortunately for me, Michael has my phone number. I know, trust me. So this is how our conversations go: (for the best effect, picture Michael drunk, because that's usually how he is when he calls me)

Me: Hello?

Michael: *slurring* Hey Molly.

Me: Are you drunk?

*sounds of puking*

Michael: A bit...she did this to me, you know.

Me: Michael, everyone knows. You've told the whole school.

Michael: *indignant* Well she did!

Me: I realize this. What do you want me to do about it?

Michael: Talk to her. Tell her how awful she treated me.

Me: Yeah, sure. Then I'll go carve my heart out with a wooden spoon.

Michael: *hangs up phone*

It's tons of fun, especially when he calls me back 15 minutes later, because he doesn't remember that he just called me! Can't you just see how exciting this is?!

To add to all this joy and love, Shayna has decided to become friends with her ex, Alex, again. I don't know if you know this, but Alex is the biggest bastard in the history of the world. I hate him. HATE. And she expects me to be friends with him, too! She wants me to hang out with her, Trevor, and Alex this weekend! And I probably will, because I have no spine!

Alex was standing with Shayna in the hallway this morning when Andrew and I walked by. This is a snippet of the conversation we had:

Me: Hi Shayna!
Shayna: Hi Molly-best-friend-ever! And look Alex, she's with Andrew! He hates me. *frowny face*

Andrew: *quietly, thoroughly embarrassed* No I don't.

Shayna: Yes you do. Anyways, Molly, I want you to be friends with Alex again.

Alex: Yeah, you should be.

Me: *without thinking* I would be, but you're too busy date-raping freshman girls. Sorry.

Andrew: *grins, then drags me out of there*

So that's how that shit went down. I can't believe her sometimes.

I have to go get Quinci a birthday present, so I'll respond to comments later.

"As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about."

~ Simon Pegg in "Shawn of the Dead"


Strawberry said...

Don't worry, he'll kiss you!

Um. Ew. She's friends with the ass again? But whyyyyyyyyyy?
And whyyyyyyyyyy did she break up with Michael?

You must post more, or such questions will arise!


Strawberry said...

I can't!
My mom reads my blog, and my parents don't allow me to have a boyfriend!
So I have to comment everyone with the story :(
Which I will do later.