
"Your soul is so dark it smudges mine"

Wooo, first entry.

This is harder than I thought. It's weird writing in a new blog. It's like wearing someone else's underwear.

Anyways, to get all the new readers (and I know that there are MILLIONS of you) up to speed, this entry is going to concentrate on the fascinating topic of: ME.

Some things that you should know so when I start bitching about them, you'll know what the hell's going on:

  • Even though my age says I'm 15, I'm a sophomore in high school. I am just in the unfortunate situation of having a late birthday (Mid-September, mark your calenders)
  • I really really really dislike most people. You have NO idea.
  • I am preoccupied with the stupidity of people. It fascinates me, just how moronic my "peers" are.
  • I have the neediest friends in the world, and I'm a bit of a masochist when it comes to them. I will forgo any homework, personal problems, consuming food when it comes to helping them.
  • My best friend is Shayna, and she has been for two years. Her boyfriend's name is Michael.
  • My almost boyfriend's name is Andrew, and we have been through that complicated process of telling friends that we like them, whispering, giggling, telling each other that we like each other, making awkward eye contact, you know, all that jazz.
  • I go to an Academy of Science and math every other day for (you'll never guess), Math and Science. However, my forte is theater and writing. Don't get me started on why I go to a science and math school, because I don't feel like explaining it all.
  • I collect hubcaps, and currently have 16 hanging up in my bedroom on the walls (where else?)

That's all I can think of now. When I feel clever enough, I'll write a follow-up entry. I don't feel too well, so I'm sorry if this entry causes your brain to try to force its way out of your skull and drown itself in a bowl of soup.