
Does anybody else in here feel the way I do?

[I Am The Walrus ~ The Beatles]

I saw Star Trek this weekend with Andrew, and let me tell you, IT KICKED SERIOUS ASS. SERIOUS. The movie, not the date with Andrew, although that was enjoyable too.

Nothing happened between me and Andrew; nothing physical at least. Well, because we both sit like sluts: with our legs wide open, our knees touched during the movie. And that's it. What a fail.

[I Don't Like Mondays ~ The Boomtown Rats]

After our little rendez-vous, I went home and had a dream about him. In my dream, we were sitting on my couch in the basement and watching Lord of the Rings, because we're awesome. All of sudden he's sitting next to me (That's what's great about my dreams: I can just fast forward through the awkward parts) and he has his arms wrapped around me and I'm leaning against him.

Then he starts kissing my head and my forehead and pulling my closer to him (since I'm still leaning against him and not actually facing him) and I'm totally jazzed about it. I try to turn around to kiss him on the mouth, but he keeps turning be back around and laughing, and telling me to be patient. I get angry and start swearing, which he finds adorable.

[I Don't Love You ~ My Chemical Romance]

I finally get my lower back twisted enough so that I can kiss him, but I can't seem to reach him. Something is blocking my mouth, and I can't breathe. I wake up face down in my pillow, with half of the accursed thing down my throat.

I have drawn two conclusions from this:

1.) My subconscious has been unsuccessful in its attempts to kill me, so it finally planted a dream in my mind that would keep me occupied enough so I wouldn't wake up and notice that I was slowly choking myself.

2.) Even in my dreams, I CAN'T GET ANY FUCKING ACTION!!!

What is this?! MY dreams, the ones that are supposed to reflect MY desires, the ones that are supposed to let me play out MY scenarios, won't let me kiss him. This is not good.

[I Should Have Known Better ~ The Beatles]

I got a haircut, and to imagine it, picture Spock. Now give him about four inch choppy extensions and make it red. That's me, in a nutshell. "But Molly, shouldn't you have also said 'make the bangs longer'?" And I would answer with "No, because THEY ARE TOO DAMN SHORT! LIKE SPOCK'S!". And then I'd go and cry.

[I Want to Hold Your Hand ~ The Beatles]

My hair actually looks quite disgusting, so I try to pin it up, but no one is fooled. You can't hide an ugly haircut. It's like trying to hide Sarah Conner from the Terminator; you just can't do it.

[I Won't Say I'm in Love ~ from Hercules]

I have my AP World History exam at 8 in the morning on Thursday, and this has not quite registered with me, since I can barely function at even 10 in the morning, and taking an EXAM seems like a really obnoxious thing to do to someone. However, Friday I get to go with AOS to KING'S DOMINION!!! WOO.

[If I Fell ~ The Beatles]

However, this is a downside to this, since this girl I HATE, I mean, I loathe her, is in our group for the field trip. How does this happen, you say? And I say sit down and shut the hell up and let me finish the story.

So, this girl is completely bonkers; not playing with a full deck; a few screws loose; ABSOLUTELY FUCKING MENTAL; etc., and I don't like to talk with her. Anyways, I'm the only one polite enough to fake listen to her when she goes on and on. She has dreams about Naruto characters, and then she draws out the stories in her notebook. I don't care who you are, if you have dreams about Naruto characters, you seek help IMMEDIATELY.

So she was blabbing away about this and about how her alternate ego slays vampires and shit, and then OUT OF NOWHERE, she casually slips in, "So, I'm going to be in your group for the field trip, right?" And me, not catching the way this conversation suddenly turned, kept nodding and saying "sure", which I had been doing for quite some time beforehand.

[Imagine ~ John Lennon]

Not realizing my mistake, I had just inadvertantly agreed to six hours of the most horrendous torture. Dammit.

I better go study for my exam now. If I survive, I'll write more later.